
Sunday, September 22

12:00-20:00   Check-in & Reception (Via Frangipane, 4/6)

19:00-21:00   Welcome Buffet (“Center Canteen” - Via Frangipane, 2)

Monday, September 23

07:30-08:30   Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)

08:30-08:45   Registration (“Fresco Room” - La Rocca, Via Frangipane, 6)

08:45-09:00   Welcome

09:00-09:30   Backpropagation made easy, Keshav Pingali (University of Texas, Austin, USA)

09:30-10:00   Chatting about transformers, Gianfranco Bilardi (University of Padova, Italy)

10:00-10:30   The nature of computations inside large language models, Jose Moreira (IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)

10:30-11:00   Coffee

11:00-11:30   Fast matrix multiplication for AI, Oded Schwartz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

11:30-12:00   Pebbling game and alternative basis, for fast and stable matrix multiplication, Noa Vaknin (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

12:00-12:30   Adaptive-Precision SpMV on modern multicore CPUs and GPUs: A Roofline Perspective, Dane Lacey (University of Erlangen, Germany)

13:00-14:00   Lunch (“Center Canteen”)

15:00-15:30   Decentralized machine learning and the compute continuum, Marco Aldinucci (University of Torino)

15:30-16:00   ClusterCockpit - A job-specific performance and energy monitoring framework, Jan Eitzinger (Treibig) (University of Erlangen, Germany)

16:00-16:30   Coffee

16:30-18:00   Discussion Session I: Hardware and software for AI/ML primitives, Coordinators: M. Aldinucci, J. Moreira, K. Prhus

19:30-21:30   Dinner, Enoteca Bistrot Colonna, Via Mainardi 10/12, 47032 Bertinoro (0543 444333).

Tuesday, September 24

07:30-08:30   Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)

09:00-09:30   Collaborative State Machines: A Novel Programming Model for the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum, Thomas Fahringer (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

09:30-10:00   System-side Tooling for Energy-Aware Supercomputers, Josef Weidendorfer (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

10:00-10:30   Coffee

10:30-12:00   Discussion Session II: AI and Scientific Computation, Coordinators: A. Elster, C. Trinitis, T. Farhinger

12:00-13:00   Lunch (“Center Canteen”)

13:45-18:00   Excursion to Ravenna

19:00-22:00   Dinner, Grand Hotel Cesenatico, Piazza Andrea Costa 1, 47042 Cesenatico (0547 80012)

Wednesday, September 25

07:30-08:30   Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)

09:00-09:30   The Role of Compilers in Deep Learning, Barbara Chapman (Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Stony Brook U., USA)

09:30-10:00   Compilers, profiling and deep learning: labeling instructions to feed microarchitectural predictors, Paul Kelly (Imperial College, UK)

10:00-10:30   Machine Learning and Compiler Optimization, Saday Sadayappan (University of Utah, USA)

10:30-11:00   Coffee

11:00-11:30   Prompt Engineering for Engineers - Trying to understand existing HPC code through the use of AI, Carsten Trinitis (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

11:30-12:00   Computing Systems Research and AI Solutions: How to Wash Each Other’s Hands, Tiziano De Matteis (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)

12:00-12:30   Always-on Introspection for Large HPC Systems: Benefits and Progress, Amir Raoofy (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

13:00-14:00   Lunch (“Center Canteen”)

15:00-15:30   Interactive Program and Performance Visualization for High-level Heterogeneous and Parallel Computing, August Ernstsson (Linköping University, Sweden)

15:30-16:00   Steering Large Language Models (LLMs) using Sparse Autoencoders (SAEs), Lalith Manjunath (TU Dresden, Germany)

16:00-16:30   Coffee

16:30-18:00   Discussion Session III: AI/ML for HPC, Coordinators: B. Chapman, P. Kelly, S. Sadayappan

19:30-22:00   Dinner, Ca’ de Bè Osteria Enoteca, Piazza della Libertà, 9/b, 47032 Bertinoro FC (0543 444435).

Thursday, September 26

07:30-08:30   Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)

09:00-09:30   HPC for AI and Geophysical Forecasting, Ann Elster (NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)

09:30-10:00   Inference Segmentation of Aortic Valve Calcium Lesions using FPGA Accelerators, Valentina Sisini (University of Ferrara, Italy)

10:00-10:30   AgrUNet: a multi-GPU UNet-based model for crop classification, Andrea Miola (University of Ferrara, Italy)

10:30-11:00   Coffee

11:00-11:30   Fast and Accurate Triangle Counting in Graph Streams Using Predictions, Cristian Boldrin (University of Padova, Italy)

11:30-13:00   Discussion Session IV: Sustainability, business, jobs, Coordinators: T. De Matteis, J. Eitzinger, J. Weidendorfer


13:15-14:30   Lunch (“Center Canteen”)

19:30-21:00   Dinner (“Center Canteen”)